The purpose of the Student Port Program of the Propeller Club is to develop an appreciation of the importance of the American merchant marine by the young men and women who will take their places in the business and industrial world.
Members of the Student Ports are pursuing courses in naval architecture, marine engineering, foreign trade, transportation, and kindred subjects.
Student Ports are located in the United States Merchant Marine Academy at the New York State Maritime College, and the State Maritime Academies of Maine, Massachusetts, California and Texas. Student Ports are also located overseas. A Student Propeller Club Port may be established at any college where there is assured interest in merchant ships, trade, transportation, waterborne commerce and related subjects. There must be a senior Propeller Club Port in the locale willing to accept the responsibilities of the Student Port. In order for a Student Port to be established there are a series of steps necessary to insure continuing viability of the Student Port.
- Obtain from nearest local International Propeller Club their interest in accepting the responsibilities of the Student Port to be a part of their Port membership. Secure written acknowledgement that they will assume sponsorship of the new Student Port and actively assist in its establishment and continuance.
- Obtain written authority from the Dean of the school which will permit and encourage establishment of a Student Port.
- Secure written assistance from a member of the school faculty that he or she will undertake the responsibilities of Faculty Advisor to the Student Port, assist in its establishment and permanent continuance, and to guide and encourage the Student Members in promoting a successful Club.
- Establish a group of student candidates for Charter Membership in the prospective Student Port who are properly qualified, interested and motivated. There should be at least 25 students to make this successful.
- Determine local Charter Member fee and collect same from those who wish to be considered Charter Members.
- Forward letter of application for issuance of Student Propeller Club Port Charter, showing that all of the above procedures have been met, to the International Propeller Club headquarter offices.
- Upon receipt of approval, accomplish the following:
- Elect Student Port Officers
- Determine Student Port membership fees
- Draft Student Constitution and Bylaws
- Establish an e-mail address for correspondence
- Obtain from Propeller Club Headquarters student membership pins at current prices
- In cooperation with the Local Port, make arrangements for a “Kick-off” Charter Presentation
- Report events of the Student Port to National Headquarters
The members of the Student Ports represent an important group of young men and women who are acquiring a genuine appreciation of the importance of the maritime industry.