The international Propeller Club headquarters has a number of promotional items and supplies for local Ports. This merchandise can be ordered through this page with payment online with a credit card. There is an automatic charge for shipping and handling of $9.05. International orders and orders of very large quantities will be subject to additional shipping which will be billed separately.
To order items with an invoice to your Port, please call 703-691-2777 to place your order.
Please note that some products have limited quantities in stock. Future orders may reflect increased supplier prices.

Membership pins: each member of
the Port should be issued a membership pin.
½” in diameter – $11.00

Student membership pins: pins
for members of Student Ports.
½” in diameter – $11.00

Port President pin: Each incoming
Port President should be presented with
a Port President pin at the time of taking office.
¾” in diameter with simulated stone center – $50.00

Past Port President pin: As a token
of appreciation, each Port President
should receive a Past Port President pin
at the end of his or her term, in addition
to any other honors bestowed by the local Port.
¾” in diameter with simulated stone center – $25.00

Membership cards are available to
Ports at no charge.
Wallet-sized. Minimum order 25.
To request any, please click here.
Propeller Club seals: 2” round embossed gold foil seals.
$0.25 each, minimum order 20.